Results for 'E. Serena Sanseviero'

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  1. Condillac e i suoi recensori.Serena Massimo - 2018 - Noctua 5 (2):200-267.
    In the 17th century the dissemination of philosophical ideas relied also on the critical summaries and reviews published by the journals. The focus of this paper is the reactions of two of these journals – the Journal de Trévoux, edited by the Jesuits of the Parisian Collège Louis Le Grand, and the Journal des Sçavans – to Condillac’s works. The Jesuit journal, under the direction of pére Berthier – probably himself the author of the reviews – had a precise plan (...)
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    Il dovere estetico: normatività e giudizi di gusto.Serena Feloj - 2018 - Milano: Mimesis.
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    Ricerche a Santa Maria Novella. Gli affreschi ritrovati di Bruno, Stefano e gli altri, a cura di Anna Bisceglia, Firenze, Mandragora 2016.Serena Romano - 2017 - Convivium 4 (2):210-213.
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    Picasso e il vero volto dell’Arlecchino.Serena Romano - 2015 - Convivium 2 (1):268-277.
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  5. Istinto e materialismo. Cabanis e Condillac a confronto.Serena Massimo - 2020 - Noctua 7 (2):270-335.
    Cabanis’ enucleation of the notion of instinct in his Rapports du physique et du moral de l’homme articulates through a critique of the use of this notion by Étienne Bonnot de Condillac, who would not have recognised the founding role of physiology in human perceptive and intellectual activity. An analysis of Cabanis’ criticism to Condillac and an investigation of the meaning attributed to the notion of instinct by both philosophers allow to individuate in this notion the expression of two different (...)
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    Eguaglianza e merito: valori in conflitto?Serena Olsaretti - 2003 - Rivista di Filosofia 94 (2):285-304.
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    L'Europa e la crisi del moderno: il pensiero di Rémi Brague.Serena Meattini - 2019 - Roma: Studium edizioni.
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    Il peso dell’amore: L’influenza di Agostino d’ippona nelle opere di Hannah Arendt.Serena Suppa - 2016 - Synesis 8 (1):146-172.
    Agostino d’Ippona è stato un punto di riferimento costante nella produzione filosofica arendtiana, a partire dalla dissertazione di dottorato del 1928, intitolata Il concetto d’amore in Agostino, fino alle ultime pagine scritte prima di morire, e dedicate alla trattazione della volontà. Il segno più evidente di questo rapporto è costituito da una frase del De civitate Dei, « initium ut esset creatus est homo, ante quem nullus fuit» sulla quale Hannah Arendt fonda il proprio concetto di libertà, intesa come la (...)
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    Estetica del disgusto: Mendelssohn, Kant e i limiti della rappresentazione.Serena Feloj - 2017 - Roma: Carocci editore.
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  10. Ponge in Calvino.Serena Ghini - 1998 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 19:93-124.
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    Choreography of the “non-human”. The monstrous as the product of contemporary dance’s bodies “beyond codes”.Serena Massimo - 2021 - Studi di Estetica 20.
    Xavier Le Roy’s performance Self-Unfinished is emblematic of how contemporary dance’s resistance to the submission of the body to a codified ideal body model manifests itself through the staging of bodies “beyond codes”, i.e., bodies that take surprising, sometimes even apparently “monstrous” shapes. The purpose of this article is to investigate the “monstrosity” of Self-Unfinished and to sketch out an analysis of it following Hermann Schmitz's theory of the Leib and Tonino Griffero’s account on atmospheres.
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  12. Look ­we have come througt!: una passione poetica.Serena Cenni - 1996 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 17:219-230.
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    Dancing with the landscape. Anna Halprin ‘explorative’ dance as the encounter with nature’s and architecture’s atmospheric affordances.Serena Massimo - 2024 - Lebenswelt: Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 23.
    Following Jean-Marc Besse’s identification of landscape as a dynamic, changing, relational and ‘emergent’ entity, I argue in this article that the artistic creative process is a way of ‘doing with’ landscape that fully embraces this peculiarity of landscape. The art of dance, in particular, makes it clear that it is the artist who creates a kind of mutual attraction between the (trans)formative forces of the landscape, suggesting its renewal and thus giving impetus to its metamorphic and transformative nature. Drawing on (...)
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    Gestalt and Movement between Music and Dance.Serena Cattaruzza & Walter Coppola - 2020 - Gestalt Theory 42 (3):221-232.
    Summary The famous essay by Christian von Ehrenfels, Über Gestaltqualitäten (1890), opens up, as is well-known, an important seam not only in the psychology of perception but also of aesthetics, of the psychology and philosophy of music, art and language. Here, in fact, the form understood as ‘Gestalt’ is something concretely audible and visible and not simply a formal abstraction. It is about a pioneering programme rich in ideas and original connections. The author does not mean simply to define the (...)
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    Ética de la ciudad entre pobreza y riqueza.Serena Santoro - 2019 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 1 (2):85-111.
    Propongo una explicación sobre el concepto de ética de la ciu- dad respecto a la sociedad en la que vivimos. El artículo se enfoca en resaltar el contraste social y urbanístico, que se generó y sigue creciendo en Argentina de manera puntual en Buenos Aires, respecto a las villas miseria. En específico se tratan las diferencias entre la Villa 31,el barrio pobre, y Puerto Madero,el barrio rico, dos realidades tan distintas como tan similares que viven codo a codo.
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    Il dio nato due volte: l′etimologia nelle Baccanti tra fede religiosa e critica del mito.Maria Serena Mirto - 2010 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 154 (1).
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    Resenha: Gómez Cardó, P.; Leão, D. F.; Oliveira, M. A. de, eds. (2014). Plutarco entre mundos: visões de Esparta, Atenas e Roma. [REVIEW]Josep Antoni Clúa Serena - 2017 - Archai: Revista de Estudos Sobre as Origens Do Pensamento Ocidental 21:381-389.
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    La penetrazione del dolore: L’etimologia die ὀδύνη tra Omero e Platone.Maria Serena Mirto - 2011 - Hermes 139 (2):147-164.
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    Por uma morte amável e serena.Gladson Pereira da Cunha - 2024 - Sofia 13 (1):13143723-13143723.
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    Interdisciplinarità, complessità e questioni epistemiche.Pio Colonnello, Amalia Cecilia Bruni, Giuseppe Passarino & Serena Dato (eds.) - 2017 - Canterano (RM): Aracne editrice.
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    “Do you know what I want?” Preschoolers’ talk about desires, thoughts and feelings in their conversations with sibs and friends.Claire Hughes, Serena Lecce & Charlotte Wilson - 2007 - Cognition and Emotion 21 (2):330-350.
    Individual differences in children's talk about inner states are striking, but how should they be interpreted? This study used transcripts of preschoolers’ conversations with siblings and best friends to address this question in two ways. Our first aim was to elucidate the exact nature of individual differences by contrasting categories (emotion/desire vs. cognitive state) and referents (own vs. other/shared) of inner state talk. Our second aim was to compare performance vs. competence views of inner state talk by exploring (i) the (...)
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  22. Helping in Times of War: How Uncertainty Modulates Aid to Ukrainian Refugees through Compassion and Threat.Terri Mannarini, Mario Angelelli, Enrico Ciavolino, Serena Arima, Mariano Longo, Pierpaolo Limone & Sergio Salvatore - 2025 - Human Affairs 35 (1):61-82.
    The present paper focuses on the antecedents of solidarity behavior towards Ukrainian refugees, specifically examining the role of subjective uncertainty generated in public opinion by the aggression of Ukraine on feelings of compassion and perceptions of refugees as a threat. Based on pooled data from six representative samples collected in different waves during the first six months of the Russian army’s invasion of Ukraine among a representative sample of adult Italian citizens (N = 6,063), the study provided support for the (...)
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    A dominação tecnológica E a Serena resistência em Heidegger.José Roberto Carvalhoda Silva - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (17):90-99.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apontar a metafísica da época das imagens de mundo em Heidegger, sua consumação no mundo tecnológico e sua possível superação através da experiência do pensamento afinado na serenidade enquanto relação do homem com a Região do ser. Observar-se que a época das imagens de mundo se fundamenta na noção de sujeito, que é a ascensão moderna do homem ao posto de subjectum da realidade. Enquanto subjectum, o homem representa o mundo como objeto passível de (...)
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    A dominação tecnológica E a Serena resistência em Heidegger.José Roberto Carvalho Da Silva - 2018 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 9 (17):90-99.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo apontar a metafísica da época das imagens de mundo em Heidegger, sua consumação no mundo tecnológico e sua possível superação através da experiência do pensamento afinado na serenidade enquanto relação do homem com a Região do ser. Observar-se que a época das imagens de mundo se fundamenta na noção de sujeito, que é a ascensão moderna do homem ao posto de subjectum da realidade. Enquanto subjectum, o homem representa o mundo como objeto passível de (...)
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    The Border Security Industry and the Second Refugee Crisis: A Commentary on Serena Parekh’s No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis.José Jorge Mendoza - 2022 - Puncta 5 (3):72-81.
    Until recently, much of the philosophical literature on refugees has focused on what Serena Parekh (2020) in No Refuge: Ethics and the Global Refugee Crisis, calls the “first refugee crisis,” i.e., the refugee crisis as experienced from Europe, understood as the arrival of large numbers of asylum seekers and the political handling of this situation. This literature has therefore dealt primarily with questions about who really counts as a refugee and when states acquire obligations to admit non-citizens. Rarely, however, (...)
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    Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena Mirto (review).Joseph W. Day - 2013 - American Journal of Philology 134 (2):337-340.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age by Maria Serena MirtoJoseph W. DayMaria Serena Mirto. Death in the Greek World: From Homer to the Classical Age. Trans. by A. M. Osborne. Oklahoma Series in Classical Culture 44 Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2012. x + 197 pp. 10 black-and-white figs. Paper, $19.95.Mirto (with Osborne) has given us a readable book on a (...)
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    Mario Rivera, Historias del desierto: arqueología del norte de Chile, Ed. del Norte, La Serena, 2002, 238 p.Víctor Lucero Soto - 2004 - Polis 8.
    El autor del libro ocupa actualmente el cargo de Director de la carrera de Antropología y Arqueología de la Universidad Bolivariana, sede Iquique. Llegó a la primera región el año 2002, luego de residir y desarrollar una brillante carrera en Estados Unidos, donde se desempeñó como profesor e investigador en las Universidades de Chicago y Binghamton, y del Field Museum of Natural History de Chicago. No obstante encontrarse lejos de su país, se mantuvo realizando estudios arqueológicos en la zo..
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    Medicina eugenica e Shoah: ricordare il male e promuovere la bioetica.Silvia Marinozzi (ed.) - 2017 - Roma: Sapienza Università editrice.
    Qual è il limite etico e deontologico degli studi medici sperimentali? Quando il principio di beneficialità, che vincola il medico a perseguire il massimo bene per il paziente, è finalmente diventato l’essenza della medicina? Questo volume si propone di rispondere a queste e a molte altre domande, effettuando un’analisi critica e approfondita della medicina, quale scienza della morte, praticata durante il periodo nazista al fine di raggiungere la purificazione della razza; la cosiddetta eugenica nazista, fulcro dello sterminio dei disabili e (...)
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    L'amore omosessuale. Saggi di psicoanalisi, teologia e pastorale. In dialogo per una nuova sintesi.Damiano Migliorini - 2014 - Assisi: Cittadella Editrice.
    C’è bisogno di una nuova sintesi. Inter- e intradisciplinare, con una visione d’insieme coerente, scientifica, senza pregiudizi, al servizio di una Chiesa che – con papa Francesco – è alla ricerca di nuove analisi e di proposte pratiche innovative. Necessaria è la prospettiva della piena integralità umana delle persone omosessuali, che interroghi il loro amore in tutta la sua complessità. La psicoanalisi, per prima, può contribuire a elaborare una visione dell’affettività omosessuale complessiva, integrale e positiva. La teologia può ascoltarne le (...)
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    Nicoló Cusano e l'Umanesimo italiano.Giuseppe B. Saitta - 1957 - Bologna,: Tamari.
    L'a. esamina il concetto di `amor vitae' come spiegazione della vita cosmica nel pensiero leonardiano e ritiene che questo costituisca la caratteristica inconfondibile della sua personalità. Nel secondo scritto l'a. si occupa del pensiero religioso di Leonardo «che ebbe soltanto fede nella religione serena e confortatrice della natura».
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    La necessità del gusto e il sensus communis kantiano. A partire da alcune recenti letture.Federico Rampinini - 2019 - Con-Textos Kantianos 9:97-122.
    La nozione di “ sensus communis ” è una delle nozioni più importanti e allo stesso tempo complesse dell’intera filosofia kantiana. Tale complessità è dovuta alla diversità di significati che essa acquisisce nel corso degli scritti kantiani, i quali non dedicano mai una analisi precipua a questo concetto. Recenti studi, come quelli di Zhengmi Zhouhuang e di Serena Feloj, hanno contribuito a focalizzare l’attenzione su tale nozione, sulla sua importanza e sulle difficoltà ad essa connesse. Proprio a partire dalla (...)
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  32. Alimentarsi di false credenze Agostino e la critica dei precetti alimentari manichei.Ilaria Prosperi - 2008 - Doctor Virtualis 8:7-55.
    Nonostante non tutti gli studiosi concordino sul valore e sulla validità della testimonianza di Agostino, non si può oggi mettere in dubbio che questi ebbe una conoscenza molto precisa non solo della dottrina manichea, ma anche delle pratiche rituali in uso nelle comunità delle sette, e in modo particolare di quelle che si imponevano agli Uditori. Del resto, egli stesso non manca di definirsi esperto dell’affare manicheo al fine di affermare l’autorità del suo modo di procedere nella polemica.Certo non si (...)
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    La teoría de las pasiones de Hume.Antonio José Cano López - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 52:101-115.
    Desde al menos Aristóteles, los filósofos han intentado explicar la vida pasional de los seres humanos. El propósito de este ensayo es mostrar la teoría de las pasiones de Hume. Este autor analiza las pasiones como parte de la ciencia del hombre en el Libro II del Tratado de la naturaleza humana y en la posterior Disertación de las pasiones. Hume distingue entre pasiones “serenas” y “violentas”. Él identifica los sentimientos estéticos y morales como ejemplos de pasiones “serenas”, mientras que (...)
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    Apolo y Dionisos: La Música de Los Dioses.Luciano Arcella - 2014 - Praxis Filosófica:95-125.
    En este ensayo se evidencia cómo la categoría de lo “apolineo” elaborada por Nietzsche es heredera de la visión tradicional de la Grecia serena dibujada por Winckelmann. De lo histórico del arte dedujo este carácter privilegiando la técnica escultórica como interpretación de la esencia de aquella cultura, mientras que Nietzsche la dedujo sobre todo de la mùsica. Sin embargo Apolo, así como Dionisos, producía un estado de posesión y se caracterizaba por su esencia violenta y a menudo mortífera. Con (...)
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  35. A Theory of Perceptual Objects.E. J. Green - 2018 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 99 (3):663-693.
    Objects are central in visual, auditory, and tactual perception. But what counts as a perceptual object? I address this question via a structural unity schema, which specifies how a collection of parts must be arranged to compose an object for perception. On the theory I propose, perceptual objects are composed of parts that participate in causally sustained regularities. I argue that this theory falls out of a compelling account of the function of object perception, and illustrate its applications to multisensory (...)
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    Comunitarismo versus liberalismo. Estado de la cuestion.María Elósegui Ltxaso - 1998 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 43 (2):287-302.
    Ante el tema constituye necesidad de fuerza mayor apuntar los últimos avances y progresos en el debate liberalismo-comunitarismo.1 El presente artículo pretende llamar la atención sobre la riqueza e interés del mismo, rernitiendo a la bibliografia más reciente. La aparición en los dos últimos anos de obras como las de Rawls, Dworkin y Habermas,4 que prestan una indudable atención a las críticas y propuestas comunitaristas precisan de un proceso de asimilación y de reflexión serena.
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    Prelecciones de metafísica fundamental.Carlos Valverde Mucientes - 2009 - Madrid: Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos.
    Esta obra ofrece un panorama completo de los problemas fundamentales de la Metafísica, bien presentado, ordenado y estructurado, concediendo a cada tema su propia categoría dentro de la escala de importancia que hoy día le corresponde. Aborda por ello cuestiones de gran actualidad e interés para el hombre de nuestro tiempo, que invitan a una reflexión serena siguiendo siempre el acertado criterio orientador y cristiano que inspira su excelente desarrollo. La obra, por tanto, quiere prestar un gran servicio tanto (...)
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    Consecuencias políticas del movimiento.Fernando Bahr - 2022 - Revista Colombiana de Filosofía de la Ciencia 22 (45).
    En las dos últimas Cartas a Serena (1704), John Toland estudia las concepciones del movimiento presentes en Baruch Spinoza e Isaac Newton. Frente al primero, Toland advierte que no dio un paso que su sistema le exigía, a saber, declarar el movimiento esencial a la materia. Frente al segundo, su advertencia es diferente: Newton sí habría dado ese paso, aunque no habría expuesto públicamente todas las consecuencias que se derivan de este. En ambos casos, lo que nos interesa es (...)
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    Men and Women of Parapsychology, Personal Reflections, Esprit Volume 2 edited by Rosemarie Pilkington.Michael Potts - 2014 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 27 (4).
    In recent years a number of books have been published that offer short autobiographical essays of academics, focusing on their research and how their life history affected their scholarly development. These could be labeled as "intellectual journey narratives." Some volumes focus on philosophers and their religious faith or lack thereof (e.g., Clark, 1997, Antony, 2007). Psychology has its own version of the intellectual journey narrative, in T. S. Krawiec's (1972, 1974, 1978) multivolume set of autobiographical essays by contemporary psychologists. In (...)
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    Age-Related Effects on the Spectrum of Cerebral Visual Impairment in Children With Cerebral Palsy.Jessica Galli, Erika Loi, Anna Molinaro, Stefano Calza, Alessandra Franzoni, Serena Micheletti, Andrea Rossi, Francesco Semeraro & Elisa Fazzi - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundCerebral Visual Impairment is a very common finding in children affected by Cerebral Palsy. In this paper we studied the characteristics of CVI of a large group of children with CP and CVI, describing their neurovisual profiles according to three different age subgroups.MethodsWe enrolled 180 subjects with CP and CVI for the study. We carried out a demographic and clinical data collection, neurological examination, developmental or cognitive assessment, and a video-recorded visual function assessment including an evaluation of ophthalmological characteristics, oculomotor (...)
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  41. Evolutionary Debunking Arguments in Ethics.Diego E. Machuca - 2018 - Oxford Bibliographies in Philosophy.
    There are at least three different genealogical accounts of morality: the ontogenetic, the sociohistorical, and the evolutionary. One can thus construct, in principle, three distinct genealogical debunking arguments of morality, i.e., arguments that appeal to empirical data, or to an empirical hypothesis, about the origin of morality to undermine either its ontological foundation or the epistemic credentials of our moral beliefs. The genealogical account that has been, particularly since the early 2000s, the topic of a burgeoning line of inquiry in (...)
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  42. Mario Martín Gijón: Un segundo destierro. La sombra de Unamuno en el exilio español. Ed. IberoamericanaVervuert-Ayuntamiento de Bilbao, Madrid, 2018, 354 pp. [REVIEW]Íker Martínez Fernández - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (42).
    La obra que pretendo reseñar a continuación es de difícil clasificación. Por un lado, estamos ante el trabajo de un académico que utiliza el instrumental propio del historiador de las ideas. Por otro, se nos presenta un contenido heterogéneo sustentado por un enfoque sumamente original. No resulta extraño por tanto que haya sido merecedora del XVIII Premio Miguel de Unamuno 2017 del Ayuntamiento de Bilbao al mejor ensayo en lengua castellana de entre los presentados a concurso. En los dieciséis capítulos (...)
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    Lived Time: Phenomenological and Psychopathological Studies, by Eugène Minkowski.E. K. Ledermann - 1972 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 3 (1):82-84.
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    Epistemology in Latin America.Diego E. Machuca - 2018 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    After presenting the current situation of epistemological research in Latin America and part of its history, this entry will address five topics: skepticism (especially in its Pyrrhonian stripe), core epistemology, formal epistemology, Wittgenstein’s thought in connection with epistemology and skepticism, and epistemology of law. It should be noted from the outset that the entry does not purport to provide a comprehensive account of epistemology in Latin America, but rather to paint a general picture of it by focusing on the main (...)
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    Editorial - Special Issue, Foucauldian Spaces.Sverre Raffnsøe - 2018 - Foucault Studies 24:1-5.
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    Definability of R. E. sets in a class of recursion theoretic structures.Robert E. Byerly - 1983 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 48 (3):662-669.
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    Gender, ‘Race’, Ethnicity in Art Practice in Post-Apartheid South Africa: Annie E. Coombes and Penny Siopis in Conversation.Annie E. Coombes - 1997 - Feminist Review 55 (1):110-129.
    Siopis has always engaged in a critical and controversial way with the concepts of ‘race’ and ‘ethnicity’ in South Africa. For politically sensitive artists whose work has involved confronting the injustices of apartheid, the current post-apartheid situation has forced a reassessment of their practice and the terms on which they might engage with the fundamental changes which are now affecting all of South African society. Where mythologies of race and ethnicity have been strategically foregrounded in the art of any engaged (...)
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    John brown: (the oxford w. e. b. du bois).W. E. B. Du Bois & David R. Roediger - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    A moving cultural biography of abolitionist martyr John Brown, by one of the most important African-American intellectuals of the twentieth century. In the history of slavery and its legacy, John Brown looms large as a hero whose deeds partly precipitated the Civil War. As Frederick Douglass wrote: "When John Brown stretched forth his arm... the clash of arms was at hand." DuBois's biography brings Brown stirringly to life and is a neglected classic.
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  49. W. Benjamín: experiencia, tiempo e historia.G. E. Fernández - 1995 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 12:107-130.
    Se trata de unareflexión interdisciplinar, a partir de W. Benjamin, sobre las relaciones entre experiencia, tiempo y memoriahistórica. La 1. parte analiza el empobrecimiento moderno de la Erfahrung que genera una“nueva barbarie”, a la vez que expenmentación innovadora, y que reclama un concepto más rico de experiencia, ligada ala totalidad concrete de la existencia. La 2. señala algunas paradojas de la memoria, muestra la inconsistencia del tiempo, cristalizado en el mito de Cronos, comoprincipio ordenador, y toma en consideración experiencias relevantes (...)
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    Mentalization and Embodied Selfhood in Borderline Personality Disorder.E. S. Neustadter, A. Fotopoulou, S. K. Fineberg & M. Steinfeld - 2021 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 28 (3-4):126-157.
    Aberrations of self-experience are considered a core feature of borderline personality disorder (BPD). While prominent aetiological accounts of BPD, such as the mentalization-based approach, appeal to the developmental constitution of self in early infant–caregiver environments, they often rely on a conception of self that is not explicitly articulated. Moreover, self-experience in BPD is often theorized at the level of narrative identity, thus minimizing the role of embodied experience. In this article, we present the hypothesis that disordered self and interpersonal functioning (...)
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